3 Perceiving
On this page you will find links to online information and
resources covering many of the topics mentioned in the chapter.
The links are organized according to which section of the chapter
they are relevant to.
3.1 Renderer
CS 123 graphics links
Graphics Gems Repository
Interactive Acoustic Modeling for Virtual Environments
3.1.1 Computer Vision for NPCs
3.2 Simulated Perception
3.3 Character-Specific Percepts
3.3.1 My Values
3.3.2 Other Important Characters
3.3.3 Affordances
3.3.4 Relative Values
3.4 Partial Observability
3.4.1 Visibility
3.4.2 Simulated Noisy Sensors
3.4.3 Discretization
3.5 Predictor Percepts
Last edited Sun Jul 22 22:25:56 2007
by John Funge.