1 Introduction

On this page you will find links to online information and resources covering many of the topics mentioned in the chapter. The links are organized according to which section of the chapter they are relevant to.

Wikipedia video game entry
Gamespot - The History of Video Games
Gamespot - A History of Video Game Controversy
History of Computer Game Design Course
Slashdot Games Page
Life After the Video Game Crash
Games as Art: The Beginning
Google search

1.1 Computer Game Characters

Google search for Lara Croft
Google search for Mario
Google search for Pac-Mac
Google search for Wario

1.2 Behavior

1.3 Overview

References: [Mar01] [LDG03]

1.4 Artificial Intelligence

References: [RN02]

Companion web site for Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach
CiteSeer Scientific Literature Digital Library
Open Directory Project - Computers: Artificial Intelligence
AI Depot - Covers various Artificial Intelligence topics
Generation 5 - Covers various Artificial Intelligence topics

1.5 Game AI

References: [DB04] [GT95] [LvdPF00] [LCR03] [FvdPT01] [HP97] [RN02] [Cha03] [Fun99] [Rab03a] [Rab02] [Kir04] [DeL01] [DeL00] [TD02] [Rab03b]

Open Directory Project - Computers: Artificial Intelligence: Games
AIWisdom.com - Game Artificial Intelligence Articles and Research
The Game AI Page: Building Artificial Intelligence into Games
Gamasutra - Articles and Resources
AAAI: Video Games, Toys, Robotic Pets and Entertainment
Zeal Listing - Computing: Computer Science: Programming: Games: AI
Craig Reynold's Game Research and Technology Resources
AI Junkie - Articles and Resources
Amit's Game Programming Information
John Laird: Game AI Resources
CGF-AI: Links to Game AI and Tactical AI Resources
GameDev.net - Articles and Resources
Slides about the AI in Halo

1.5.1 Game Design

References: [Wol02]

Garage Games
Blender Game Engine
CS 248 Video Game Competition

1.5.2 Computer Games and AI Research

References: [Etz93] [Bro90] [TR97]

Last edited Sun Jul 22 22:25:55 2007 by John Funge.